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Why outsourcing in small business is the answer to success

Amanda Findlay • July 20, 2021
  • A person is handing a piece of paper to another person.


In the early days of almost every business anywhere, there are four short words that almost all of us utter. Those four small words that seemingly give us complete control, but ultimately give us blurred business vision, extended hours at our desks and the unshakeable feeling that nothing will ever be alright ever again…

Those four words?

“I’ll do it myself.”

But how could something that sounds so right, be so wrong in reality? Well, the answer is surprisingly simple. The last time you checked, were you the master of absolutely everything? Were you the best marketer, IT consultant, bookkeeper, legal eagle, cleaner, plumber and coffee maker in your organisation? (to name a few) No? And quite right, too. Your area of genius – presumably, the very reason you got into business in the first place – is where you should be dedicating your focus whenever possible.

This is precisely why outsourcing in small business is such an essential element of running a smooth, efficient operation. Let’s dive a little deeper…

Outsourcing in small business: Reason #1… Efficiency

Ahh, our old friend efficiency. Isn’t that the golden target for most businesses? More output, lower costs, right? I mean, what’s not to like? By getting on with the tasks that you do best (and likely enjoy most) and bringing in outside help to take care of literally anything else, life in business will not only be far more enjoyable, but also far more precise. For starters, consider how long over the past year you have spent at your desk, desperately trying to make sense of your business figures. Hours? Days? What would it feel like to know that there’s someone out there who can not only do a better, faster job of compiling those figures, but also enjoys doing them? What would you do with the time instead? Potentially, you could be vastly increasing the number of clients you can service simply by outsourcing the jobs that don’t fall within your skill set.

Outsourcing in small business: Reason #2… Profitability

Ok, so yes, these wonderful people you outsource these jobs to will need to get paid. But as we just discussed, the change and growth they’ll be able to affect by simply freeing you up to ‘do what you do’ will pale in comparison. Outsourcing rather than hiring new staff will also offer you flexibility as well as save you money in terms of onboarding and training, wages and benefits and even the type of space you work in. Potentially, you could work from your home office and conduct business with a disparate network of online contractors rather than owning or renting a specific, dedicated business premises…. Tempting, no?

Outsourcing in small business: Reason #3… Enhanced skills

When you outsource, you’re already hiring a fellow expert in their field. You aren’t limited to hiring someone within your proximity – you could literally hire from anywhere in the country, if not the world. Increasingly, skilled workers are realising the benefits for striking out on their own and operating under a consultative model, rather than remaining tied to a single employer.

So why not take advantage of the glorious new technological world you’re operating in? Let go of the business tasks you loathe, but have always felt you ‘must do’, and give outsourcing a go. I have a feeling you’ll never look back…

Amanda Findlay is a certified bookkeeper with a brain for business strategy. Get in touch today to discuss how Complete Bookkeeping Concepts can help you improve your business practices.

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