If you’ve been wondering whether or not it’s time to bring on a bookkeeper, but you’re hovering on the fence, one of the deciding factors is likely cost. While bookkeeping rates vary between styles of firms and locations (i.e. cities vs. regional areas), the value they provide remains constant. Having an expert set of eyes regularly running over your business’ figures is crucial to your ongoing success. Especially if, like most small business owners, you find yourself time poor and spending way too much time at your desk and not enough time doing, well, any of the things that light you up. So, can you afford our bookkeeping rates? A more pertinent question may be: can you afford not to use us?
1. Setting you free…
What if running your business didn’t have to mean you were spending hours and hours each week trapped behind your computer screen wrestling with figures? What if you could spend more time with the kids, on your health, or even just focusing on the parts of your ‘job’ you enjoy the most? Bringing in professional help to tackle the tasks that are outside of your ‘genius zone’ is the key to living a balanced existence as a business owner. Too often, we white knuckle it through every day, living in overwhelm while believing we have to do everything ourselves to truly succeed. Perhaps, by that measure, it’s time to redefine success.
While our bookkeeping rates are not free, they are definitely reasonable. Especially when you consider what you get in return.
2. Confidence of an expert eye
Let me ask you something. When it comes time for all the important paperwork to be submitted to the ATO, or even just to balancing the books for end-of-month, how would you like to feel about the experience? Do you enjoy the sensation of uncertainty as you complete the paperwork yourself, hoping you’ve dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘t’? Or would it be preferable, come the time, to have an expert confidently execute your paperwork based on ongoing, well-collated data that is consistent, coherent and error-free? What does confidence cost?
3. What am I really paying for
If you find the two thoughts above pique your interest but are hard to quantify, it’s probably time to redirect the conversation to things not quite so conceptual as ‘freedom’ and ‘feelings’. Your bookkeeping fees cover a huge range of services. Ultimately bookkeeping rates are set based on the level of complexity of tasks and the experience of the person conducting them. From basic data entry to complex reporting, your bookkeeper is the source of order and reason in your business’ financial records. Bookkeepers are responsible for the efficiency of cashflow in your business through expense tracking, invoicing and accounts receivable management and payroll processing. It turns out, we’re a pretty handy bunch of people to know if you’re in business and looking to minimise the burdens of being the boss…
If you’d like to discuss our bookkeeping rates, we’d love to hear from you. Why not get in touch to discuss how Complete Bookkeeping Concepts can assist you in taking your business to the next level…
Contact Information
Phone: 07 4151 2307
Email: office@cbcbookkeeping.com
Address: 24 Princess St, Bundaberg East, QLD, 4670
Business Hours
Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
Australian Bookkeeping Network
Registered with the Practitioners Board
MYOB Certified